Sunday, July 31, 2016


I read the first two issues of B.P.R.D. and the first one wasn't bad but I really liked the second issue. The creepiness of the little person and them taking care of the monster that they found was so good. I really like what this comic is about and I'm going to start following this one and getting the newer issues. When I go to the comic book store Wednesday, I am going to pick up more of the back issues. I still haven't checked out Hellboy yet though and should.

And I am still trying to find good comics to follow. So far I really like Wonder Woman, Satellite Falling, Black Hammer, the Unbeatable Squirrel Girl, Bitch Planet,  and B.P.R.D. I would like to find more super hero comics and it would be nice to find more that involves a group of people. I do like Black Hammer but that is it so far. Doom Patrol will be starting up soon and I hope it's good. I tried to find past issues of them but I really dislike the covers with how the women are shown on them. I hope it's not like that with this newest version.

Saturday, July 30, 2016

Comics I Got Today

Today was a good comics day. I spent a good amount of time in the dollar bins. I was hoping to find some of the Unbeatable Squirrel Girl, Tank Girl specifically among whatever else but couldn't find any of those. One thing that was weird also was that they had no Tank Girl in the alphabetized section. Strange.

What I got today:
Tank Girl: Two Girls One Tank #1. Surprised they still had this since it came out in June and it was the only copy. They didn't have any other issues. I don't know if it comes out monthly or what.
Bitch Planet #4

In the dollar bins:
Convergence: Wonder Woman #1
B.P.R.D. #1. Still looking for new comics and thought I would check these one's out.
B.P.R.D. #2
B.P.R.D. #3
Spiral Zone #1. This was a random find for sure. I used to love this cartoon when I was little and surprised there was a comic about it. It was a really dark cartoon I noticed recently when I tried to find episodes online and it is odd that it was actually for children.

Friday, July 29, 2016

The Unbeatable Squirrel Girl #10 Review

The Unbeatable Squirrel Girl #10 is the first issue that I've read of Squirrel Girl's and I loved it. This is the funnest and just funniest comic that I've read so far. Even funnier than Hench Girl. I still love Hench Girl but every page of this is hilarious. Dorky, silly humor with the characters, the plot, with this issue Mole Man wants to go on a date with Squirrel Girl and being the evil villain he is, decides to demolish buildings around the city until she agrees to a date. I also really like the writers hilarious notes on the bottom of every page. This comic is so funny that I wouldn't be surprised if Plays-With-Squirrels shows up in an issue or two.  I also like how they even bring up polyamory, I'm sure it's not the first time in a comic but it's still just nice to see it brought up, especially in a Marvel comic. And on that subject, I am surprised that Marvel are the one's putting this out, doesn't seem like the kind of thing they usually publish. I also like how they make fun of the news media, treating them as absurd and silly with how they treat celebrities and especially now how celebrities are "the news" these days.

By the end, everyone is happy. I don't want to ruin it for you but you should get this issue if you haven't already.

Squirrel Girl is the coolest super hero I've come across so far also. I am probably going to get a weird crush on her with more issues.

Thursday, July 28, 2016

Once Our Land #1 Review

Once Our Land #1 from Scout Comics lives up to the hype that it's been getting. I love this comic so much, it is definitely the best comic I've come across so far. Peter Ricq wrote it, did the illustrations along with Sunny Shah, the colouring along with Andrew Young and this really is just a special comic. There is a lot of care and detail put into this you can tell with the introduction and dedication.

#1 is broken up into two chapters, the Gift and the Survivors. The story is about a city called Mainz in Germany in the 1830's in which strange boxes, wrapped as gifts arrive out of nowhere for the people in the town. People start disappearing, monsters big and small start showing up. The town is turned upside down from this situation in which almost everyone in the town disappears. By the end of chapter two it seems as though Ingrid and Fritz, two children in the town, and an older man that Ingrid runs into are the only one's left. There is a lot going on with this comic. A fantasy, sci-fi, post-apocalyptic story even though it's set in 1830's Germany and it has the specialness of a fairy tale. The narration is in english, the dialogue is in German but don't worry, along with the illustrations there is no problem following it at all.

The illustrations are really great too. I love how cute Ingrid is. The first chapter is done in a monochromatic tone and the second chapter is more colorful and both have a very dark feel to it.

I definitely can't wait for #2 to come out in August and have it on my pull list already. If I don't get a copy for the sale price I probably will be trying to get one on Ebay. People are trying to sell copies of this, anywhere from $20 to $100 and I can understand why although it's a bit sad that so many are collecting it just because it's hot and some are afraid to even read it because it might bring the value down but if you don't read it, you are definitely missing out on a great, special comic.

Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Batman Rebirth #2 Review

I was excited to check out Batman and did so with Rebirth #2 and it just doesn't sit well with me. Batman seems like a dick. He treats everyone like they are beneath him. First he treats Gotham and Gotham Girl that way. It's strange how Batman acts like he has some sort of copyright or as though he is the only one who can fight crime when he first shows up. He definitely feels as though he is the authority on the matter and on that subject, he does seem like a completely authoritarian dude. And yes, one in which a rich white dude decided to put a lot of money into making himself a superhero and with that comes all the worst privileges.

He also treats Alfred like he is beneath him as well. And with how Alfred calls Bruce, Master Bruce is completely ridiculous. How does someone prefer that someone who works for them call them Master like that? The only other person I know of like that is Master Blaster from Mad Max and that dude was a dick too.

I've heard some say that Batman has changed and that he is so unbelievably authoritarian now and that along with so much else, he does just reek of it. This is the first Batman comic that I've checked out in a while and I get the impression that pretty much any comic of his that I check out, is going to have the same boring formula. I was expecting something more than he fights someone, treats everyone like they are beneath him, has Alfred treating him like the man-child that he is, and disappears.

And that he has such a ridiculous mystique about him, especially with the disappearing part, and everyone just goes along with it. The part where he introduces Gotham and Gotham Girl to Gordon and then just disappears? There should be a reason for him to disappear like that. You don't just do it for no reason. Bad writing where they want him to have a certain mystique but there should be an actual reason for why he does this. Does he not like follow-up questions? Does he not want to be followed even though if he were to just tell them that he has to go along with maybe a "goodbye, see you later", I doubt they would infringe on his personal boundaries and follow him. There is just no reason for it other than just being completely contrived for the sake of giving him this kind of mystique. Is Batman the Kanye West of super heroes? The absurd contrived thing along with treating everyone else like they are beneath him seems to suggest this? Not to mention the spoiled rich dude thing.

Yes, he's bizarrely authoritarian with everyone, another rich white dude with all of his expensive toys, is supposedly so dark, and the contrived disappearing thing which adds to his silly mystique is just too ridiculous. Maybe I should check out more of his comics because hopefully this is not all that encapsulates Batman. Such an unlikable dick, it's like they decided to make him how Christian Bale is in real life.

I usually don't like to rant like this but this just irks me, lol.

Wednesday Comics!

I just got back from the comic book store. They didn't have the reprint of Batman Rebirth #1 but I did get #2. Along with Wonder Woman #3, with the Frank Cho cover, the Unbeatable Squirrel Girl #10, and Batman Detective Comics #937. I also picked up Satellite Falling #3 which I am excited about.

And my copy of Once Our Land #1 came in! I still can't believe I was able to get a copy of it. Supposedly it sold out everywhere the day it came out and it's nice being able to get a copy a week later. The person there said it came in last night. I need to start learning the names of the people that work at my comic book store and their store is awesome. I also went through the dollar bins for a bit but didn't find anything that I wanted.

Tuesday, July 26, 2016

It's Almost Wednesday

It's almost Wednesday! I can't wait to pick up more Satellite Falling issues. Hopefully most of the one's that I need will still be on the shelf.

Wonder Woman #3 also comes out. Continuing the story of Wonder Woman trying to find Cheetah and to find out more about what is true or not about Themyscira. Comic Book Resources has a little preview

I also want to get Unbeatable Squirrel Girl #10, Ms. Marvel #9, and the third printing of Batman Rebirth #1.

I also read the Woods #5 last night and on the fence about whether I want to follow it or not. It was okay but I'm not completely sold on it yet. I do have the next issue to read as well which I might do tonight.

And I do want to check out some more comics to follow. It's kind of difficult to find really good comics to follow with how there are just so many to choose from.  

Monday, July 25, 2016

Mirenda #2 by Grim Wilkins

There are only three more days to help with  a kickstarter campaign to help print Mirenda #2 by Grim Wilkins. They wrote and did the artwork for it and the artwork looks amazing. It would be sad if this didn't get the support that it needs. Wilkins  also did the artwork for Prophet Earth War for Image Comics.

Sunday, July 24, 2016

Good Comics I Read This Week

I'm planning on writing about the best comics I read that week. I read new comics, older comics, and would like to talk about one's that are just too good to not want to at least share with others.

The first two issues of Satellite Falling have me already in love with this comic. I am glad to be starting with this comic at the very beginning. Steve Horton is the writer and they do a great job of crafting an interesting story and an environment that takes place on a satellite called in which the main character Lilly, tired of living on earth after a loved one dies along with all the racism, xenophobia, and corruption that does pretty much ruin the planet at times. She lives on a satellite inhabited by aliens with very few humans. It's a mixture of sci-fi, crime fiction, and action as Lilly tries to escape her past and tries to make a living for herself in her new place.

The artwork by Stephen Thompson, known for their work with Star Wars comics although I haven't checked them out yet but I love Thompson's art with this comic. As much as I like the story, the artwork is what I love more than anything. I love the detail of the environments and characters, the coloring, it really is just amazing. With all the comics I've been getting into lately, I really like the artwork of Satellite Falling the best.

I finally got to check out Hench Girl, issue #4 and I loved it. The peculiar world of Mary Posa in Crepe City is too hilarious. In this issue she has to deal with the complexities of being a villain and having to steal her roommates security key to get inside a building and their friends want her to go to meet some super hero's which is a bit awkward for her since they are her parents and sister. I'm not sure why she doesn't try to be a super hero since her family works in that department but maybe it doesn't pay as well as being a villain. There are still a bunch of this comic at my local comic shop and I might have to get as many as I can.

I wrote a review of Black Hammer #1 a few days ago but it should definitely still be on this list of awesome comics that I read this week. In the first issue the story is set up so perfectly even with all the characters in it. I also loved the artwork in this from Dean Ormston. There is kind of an autumn season vibe with the colors with it that I like and I can't wait to see what actually happened with Black Hammer since he is not in the first issue. 

I love Bitch Planet #1. I am already trying to get all the issues that I can with this comic. A good mixture of dystopian science fiction, sexism, the prison industry, and people who don't fit in with societal pressures. This first issue was great on a lot of levels. The creepiness and how deranged a sexist patriarchy could actually be, the variety of characters, and the hilarious made up ads make this just a great well-rounded comic in so many ways.

Wonder Woman #2 is another one that I wrote a review for earlier. I will probably just write reviews for comics that I really like and talk about them still since I'm still consumed by them. If you haven't read this issue you, you totally should! I am so glad this comic comes out every two weeks, especially with how there are two story lines going back and forth.

I also got to finally check out Faith, issue #1. I will probably add it to my pull list. I love how this is a super hero that is so realistic and shows a more accurate portrayal of how a super hero's life maybe would be like. Getting a peak at all kinds of aspects of her life is what makes this comic so special. She is a super hero, living in a new city, has friends, some of which are her co-workers at her boring day job and a couple of them also happen to know that she is a super hero even though she tries to keep the two separated. I also thought it was hilarious when her friend who knows about her secret identity brings up how she could have a better looking super hero outfit even though she thinks it looks nice. She is probably the first super hero who is relatable in a lot of ways since she deals with all kinds of silly, random, awkward social situations like most people. I also really like that there is a super hero that is not a size 0 or whatever.

Saturday, July 23, 2016

The New Wonder Woman Movie Trailer.

I am so excited for this movie and the trailer that was just released shows just how awesome this movie is going to be. And just in case you're wondering, there are only 313 more days until it comes out June 2nd 2117.

Wonder Woman - Rebirth #2 Review

I finally got the first two issues of Wonder Woman - Rebirth. The first issue was actually kind of a letdown. It was so short and the amount of actual content could have still been given in a third of its pages almost. I suppose it does fit the tone of the severity of how she is questioning what is actually the truth or not about herself and drawing it out. Maybe I was expecting more with the first issue.

The second issue I loved though and feel like it's a better first issue almost. I do like that every other issue will be dealing with Wonder Woman earlier in her life when she first meets Steve Trevor and in later years which is where the second issue starts off and this is definitely a very good beginning with that part of her life.  I'm also glad to see this new version dealing with her beginnings since I have only read about it but hadn't seen it in comic form.  It's interesting seeing the two different characters of Wonder Woman and Trevor with however many years in between them. In later years Wonder Woman looks like a character from He-Man almost while Trevor looks like a G.I. Joe which is kind of funny. I do like Wonder Woman's costume for the most part. She is still very sexualized which puts me off from it but it's better than being kind of cheesy mixed with being too sexualized but at least they finally dropped the cheesy part of it. I love Wonder Woman but her costumes always made me cringe a bit.  

With the story in #2 it depicts her yearning for what is outside of Themyscira really well and right at the end is when Trevor's plane crashes on the island. I am excited to see her very beginnings from such an early point and happy that DC is doing a Rebirth with everyone now. Supposedly there are aspects of the very beginning that haven't really been touched on in the past that Rucka wants to bring up which should be good.  

Saturday Comics Day/Not at Comic Con Day

I just got back from the Not at Comic Con thing at New Dimensions and it was definitely a good comic book day. You couldn't really tell that it was an event really since there were not that many people other than a few kids at a table learning to draw comics. I spent way more money than I was planning on spending but I am definitely happy with what I got. I also got some bags and backing boards. And I definitely took advantage of the dollar bins being $0.50 only today.

I also set up a pull list and asked about the Once Our Land #1 order from the other day and they looked it up and it is coming in from another New Dimensions location which is too good. I also got a bunch more new issues of things that I didn't pick up Wednesday. I am still in the beginning stages of collecting comics and exploring a lot to find what I like particularly but this is probably my last day of spending too much money all at once like this. Last night I read the couple of Saga issues that I got Wednesday, #33 & #36 and wasn't  really impressed with them. #33 was probably not the first issue to check out the series perhaps. One thing that I really like with this store and with living in this area though is that with the newest issues, they still have #1's and other issues going back months because not many people are interested it seems

What I got today:
Bitch Planet #6
Bitch Planet #7
Faith #1
Henchgirl #4
Ms. Marvel #3
The Spire #6
Satellite Falling #1
Satellite Falling #2

Dollar/$.050 bin finds today:
Dead Enders #3
The Maxx #3
Millenium #1  
Naughty Bits #37
Naughty Bits #38
She-Hulk #2  89'
The Woods #5
The Woods #6
Top 10 #2
Top 10 #3
Top 10 #4
Wonder Woman #16  88'
Wonder Woman #20  88'
Wonder Woman #24  88'
Wonder Woman #39  90'
Wonder Woman #46  90'
Wonder Woman #47  90'
Wonder Woman #51  91'
Wonder Woman #53  91'
Wonder Woman #58  91'
Wonder Woman #95  95'
Wonder Woman #161  00'
Wonder Woman: the New 52 #5
Wonder Woman: the New 52 #6
Wonder Woman: the New 52 #7
Wonder Woman: the New 52 #11
Wonder Woman: the New 52 #12
Wonder Woman: the New 52 #13
Wonder Woman: the New 52 #14

My pull list:
Bitch Planet
Black Hammer
Doom Patrol
Once Our Land #2
Satellite Falling
Wonder Woman: Rebirth
the Unbeatable Squirrel Girl

Friday, July 22, 2016

Not At Comic Con Day

My local comic bookstore New Dimensions Comics in St. Clairsville, OH. is having a Not At Con Day event Saturday, July 23rd. It's something fun they are doing for people who can't go to Comic Con. They are going to have some quasi-local artists there like Kelci Crawford who does the artwork for the webcomic Validation. She is also doing a how-to-draw comics workshop for kids.

You can also get a 10% discount if you wear a cape of any sort. There will be some free stuff from Valiant Comics, IDW, and Zenoscope. The best part is dollar comics will be 50 cents! I can't remember the last time something awesome was being sold for only fifty cents. And I really like my local comic bookstore New Dimensions Comics. It's a nice laid back place, no rude employees, tons of comics with good finds in the dollar bins, and they seem female friendly which is nice.There are a few other branches of New Dimensions Comics around the Pittsburgh area that I should probably check out soon too.

I am probably a little too excited for this event, I've been looking forward to it for a couple weeks and hoping to get some good stuff. Last week I got too much stuff and right when I was checking out realized that I should have just waited another week for my awesome Wonder Woman dollar bin finds but I was so happy to come across so many in one box. With tomorrow, I am hoping to get more Wonder Woman comics, find some more Bitch Planet's, pick up a few Doom Patrol's, Ms. Marvel, look through the comics that came out this week and see if there is anything that I missed, and starting a pull list possibly.

I'm not sure if anyone in the area will see this but if you do, you should go to this event though. Here is the facebook event page.

I wonder if there are any other comic bookstores doing something fun for those not going to Comic Con?

Thursday, July 21, 2016

Black Hammer #1 Review

 I was looking forward to the new Black Hammer and I was not let down at all. I like the idea of what happens to superheroes after their peak and with most of these characters being silver age archetypes for the most part, it's interesting to see them in this day and age. You definitely get the feel that they are in a different era with how the characters are drawn and I like that they are stuck in some nowhere small town area. And with living in a small town, you see how some of the characters deal with it which is a huge struggle for most people who have lived in a small town. I also do like that each of the characters is their own person and that it shows in the first issue.

This first issue brings up so many questions and sets most of the characters up in a way that makes you want to find out more along the way. Some of my questions at this point, the biggest being who or where is the Black Hammer? Why is Golden Gail nine years old? It is pretty funny having an adult woman in the body of a nine year old and how she is dealing with that. Where does Col. Weird go to the point that he is too busy and doesn't seem to be stuck in the small town like the others?

With the art done by Dean Ormstron and the coloring by Dave Stewart, for the most part it is great. It contributes to the flow of the story. The colors are a little dark. It works well in connection with the story of these characters being in such a boring, almost dreary place. The only small gripe that I have with the art and it is pretty small but it does just bother me for some reason is how a couple of the older characters are drawn with so many little lines on their faces to show wrinkles. There are too many for some reason and it just looks bad. So yeah, this is a really good comic and the only flaw that I can find is that a couple of the characters have bad wrinkly faces.

Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Wednesday Comics.

I just got home from the comic book store. I was most looking forward to Once Our Land #1 but they didn't have it that store but I think a different location has a copy so they are going to get me a copy which is awesome. I forgot to mention if they could get #2 as well when it comes out but I think they said something about it but I am not one hundred percent certain. And I was just looking up the issue just now and there are copies of it going for $25-$50 already on Ebay which seems absurd. I was hoping to pick up a Doom Patrol issue or two but the boxes they had them in were so tight that I didn't even want to try getting into it. I have been wanting to check out Halo Jones so I am happy to get one of those to check out.

What I got today:
Halo Jones #5
Saga #33
Saga #36
Black Hammer #1
Bitch Planet #8
Wonder Woman Rebirth #1
Wonder Woman Rebirth #2

Monday, July 18, 2016

Saturday Finds

Since getting some comics last Saturday I decided that Saturdays would be my going to the comic book store shopping day. I have seriously been looking forward to it all week since going there last Saturday and I spent a good amount of time there getting some things that I wanted to get. They didn't have any I Kill Giants except for a reissue of #1 in the dollar bin.

This is what I got this Saturday:

Ms. Marvel #3 Mar. 1976
Bitch Planet #1
Bitch Planet #2
Wonder Woman #315 May 84'

What I found in the dollar bins:
I Kill Giants #1 Reissue
Captain Marvel #3 Oct. 12′
Wonder Woman Annual #1 88′
Wonder Woman #1 Feb. 87′
Wonder Woman #2 Mar. 87′
Wonder Woman #12 Jan. 88′
Wonder Woman #13 Feb. 88′
Wonder Woman #14 Mar. 88′
Wonder Woman #18 July 88′
Wonder Woman #19 Aug. 88′
Wonder Woman #21 Oct. 88′
Wonder Woman #22 Nov. 88′
Wonder Woman #25 Dec. 88′
Wonder Woman #27 Feb. 89′
Wonder Woman #33 Aug. 89′
Wonder Woman #35 Oct. 89′
Wonder Woman #36 Nov. 89′
Wonder Woman #45 Aug. 90'

I Just Started Getting into Comic Books Last Week.

Lately I’ve been thinking more about comic books and just the medium in general. There are some aspects that I dislike about them and those things kind of put me off from exploring them before in the past but there are so many varieties to choose from that I knew I would find something of interest. And since I never really checked them out before, it’s definitely a whole new interesting medium to explore and there is just so much which is awesome.

I’ve been curious about Wonder Woman and some other characters and reading more about them, the more I wanted to get some copies. Last week I went to the local comic bookstore, I’ve stopped by once or twice before in the past but just looked around but never picking anything up. Last week I went and got seven Wonder Woman comics.

I started reading them before going to sleep at night and it’s now one of my favorite parts of the day. And I am now reading them at other times too and they are just too freaking awesome in so many ways. I am already noticing that they do bring me just a weird joy, even when I am not reading them but just thinking about them. I love all the different drawing styles over the years and just all the different ways that scenes are depicted. All the variety of ways that particular moments are drawn. All the colors, especially with the styles in recent years. They seem to already be affecting my own thoughts about stories of my own and even with giving me really good ideas with directing plays.
And Wonder Woman is too good. A person with awesome integrity and just such an interesting character.

What I got last week:

Wonder Woman #11 Dec. 87
Wonder Woman #26 Jan. 89
Wonder Woman #34 Sep. 89
Wonder Woman #38 Jan. 90
Wonder Woman #76 Jul. 93
Wonder Woman #223 Jan. 06
Wonder Woman #36 Nov. 09