Monday, October 31, 2016

The Unbeatable Squirrel Girl #013 Review

Writer: Ryan North
Artist: Erica Henderson
Color Artist: Rico Renzi
Letterer: Travis Lanham
Publisher: Marvel Comics

Rating: 9.5

I continue to love the Unbeatable Squirrel Girl. Every issue is so good and if you are ever in not the greatest mood, just read an issue of her and you will feel a lot better no matter what. #013 is a continuation of the Enigmo and his tiny offspring wrecking havoc everywhere, taking over the government, and everything else.

Squirrel Girl in the beginning of this issue was still in Canada, at her mother's cabin with her friends. Brain Drain is still in NYC and this character is so hilarious, he is as lovable as Squirrel Girl. In this issue, looking for help from other superheroes, decides that Ant-Man is the best option and kidnaps him in his sleep. Ant-Man is pissed the entire issue and upset about his security firm since he's not the best at it he realizes since he and the things he protects can be swiped so easily. I am not familiar with Ant-Man at all but wondering if he is always a dick like how he is in this issue. I can see them being peeved with the whole kidnapping thing and sticking him in Canada so it is kind of funny.

And Brain Drain has the best line ever when arguing with Ant-Man, “Borders are but imaginary lines, the dreams of wild men who once thought they could impose their will on an indifferent wilderness. I feel the same way.

The gang starts to make their way to New York and get stopped by a bunch of Enigmos. A fight ensues and they win this small skirmish because the police cruiser that the Enigmo's had was full of explosives for some reason and they went off, stopping them. Ant-Man is into helping them which is cool and it looks like they are about to get to New York and that is where the issue ends.

I continue to just love everything about this series, the art, the hilarious, zany characters, the mixing it up with other superheroes, and in every issue you learn some peculiar facts that you would not know otherwise like that Canadian lawyers call canoes “human-powered pleasure craft” and there is no Canadian law requiring people to wear life jackets when they are in the pleasure craft although life jackets do have to be on the boat and equal to the number of passengers on said pleasure craft. And did you know that squirrel bites are one of the few animal bites that aren't treated for rabies? LIAR! YOU DID NOT ALREADY KNOW THAT! But now thanks to Squirrel Girl, you do. It's also hilarious knowing the difference between how Squirrel Girl communicates and talks to squirrels and how Ant-Man does not have as great of a consensual relationship with ants. Seriously, this series is nothing but hilarious.

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