Saturday, October 15, 2016

Wonder Woman #8 Review

Wonder Woman #8
Publisher: DC
Writer: Greg Rucka
Artist: Bilquis Evely

Rating: 9.5

The newest issue of Wonder Woman and it's all about the beginnings of Cheetah whose name is Barbara Ann Cavendish. Wonder Woman doesn't appear in this issue at all, that I am aware of. Who knows, with her powers, maybe she is lurking somewhere in the background. This story veers off to a degree by what has been going on with Wonder Woman teaming up with Cheetah but it's a good story and I like that Cheetah gets a whole issue. The beginning shows her as a child and her interest in Greek myths. Her dad was lame of course and tried to pressure her away from it but it didn't stick. Later it shows her trying to find out more about Amazons, where they might have lived.

Barbara Ann is an awesome character, she is a mix of both Indiana Jones and Marion even more so from Raiders of the Lost Ark movie. She drinks a lot, argues with assholes, is mostly on her own doing her thing. She goes on expeditions with people who are more than skeptical about her work and they try to ruin her findings. She goes from one place to another, trying to find out more. She eventually finds evidence of a twelfth queen, Lysippe which means there might possibly be eleven other queens with shrines of their own somewhere. Going from one place to another trying to figure out the key to what she is trying to find. Eventually she finds an uncharted island and believes it to be the island of Amazons but doesn't find anyone there so she is not sure if she actually found it or not.

I really liked this issue. I kind of hope there could be a spin off series or some one offs of Cheetah/Barbara Ann at some point because I can see there being so much that can be done with this character and all the stories of things she could get into, even before she became Cheetah. It is cool that a whole issue is devoted to her.

And with every issue of Wonder Woman, the artwork is one of the things that I always look forward to. More than any other comic, Sharp, Scott, and now Bilquis Evely who is new to this series, the artwork is always amazing. This newest series of Wonder Woman has been a total treat when it comes to great writing and great visual art.

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